
September 2019

Issue 6

Welcome to Issue 6 of StylusLit, where I interview Gregory Vincent St Thomasino, poet, writer and editor of US journal, Eratio.

Short fiction from James Hannan, J.L. Higgs, B.A. Keon-CohenMark Mulholland and Sophia Wilson. 

Poets included are Cassandra Atherton, Brett Dionysius, Natalie D-Napoleon, Brett Firman, Angela Gardener, Ian Gibbins, Nadia Kim, Justin Lowe, Damen O’Brien, Mark O’Flynn, Pym Schaare, Hazel Smith, Beth Spencer, Carl Walsh, James Walton and Jena Woodhouse. 

Read reviews of Richard James Allen’s The Story of You and I, Vanessa Page’s Tourniquet, and Leni Shilton’s Walking with Camels.

Rosanna Licari

Filtered by Poetry

[untitled 4]
By Nadia Kim

Apocalypse with Goats
By Damen O'Brien

As if looking away
By Angela Gardner

Blue Arles
By Jena Woodhouse

Bus to Arhanes, Crete
By Jena Woodhouse

days before dawn
By Ian Gibbins

Forgetting Mandalay
By Brett Firman

Kangaroo Island
By Carl Walsh

By Cassandra Atherton

By Justin Lowe

Pickers Quarters
By Mark O'Flynn

Place in a Landscape
By James Walton

quiet illusions 
By pymschaare

Return to the mothership
By Beth Spencer

By Natalie D-Napoleon

The Arrival of the Native Bee Box
By B.R. Dionysius

The Talkers
By Hazel Smith