Probosciger aterrimus
A body like a cast iron oven’s stovepipe as it tips its head
To look you in the eye twenty metres below the lowland
Rainforest. Years of pressure: equatorial storms, bauxite
Tailings dams with their orange chemical algae blooms
& rumour’s wrack you encounter in the deep north; these
Cockatoos using sticks to drum up a mate, to orchestrate
Territory in the wet tropics, killed so their long black feathers
Can adorn dream-catchers & spin commercial tales. Its kind
That need the snug tunnels of dead gums to nest after some
Cyclone has ripped off a limb & termites have chipped away
The fibrous marrow like a billion Stakhanovs at work. You
Tracked it through sound, nuts cracking claw to mouth as it
Ate & you watched each other for a red hour. The only noise
the breaking of the world & only one of you doing their part.