
March 2023

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Louis Armand

Louis Armand’s poetry collections include Infantilisms (2023), Monument (with John Kinsella, 2020), East Broadway Rundown (2015), Indirect Objects (2014), Letters from Ausland (2011) & Strange Attractors (2003). He is the author of the libretto A House for Hanne Darboven (2021) & novels including The Garden (2020), The Combinations (2016), Abacus (2015) & Clair Obscur (2011). His critical works include Videology (2015), The Organ-Grinder’s Monkey: Culture after the Avantgarde(2013) & Incendiary Devices (1993). He is formerly an editor of the international arts journal VLAK & co-rdirects the Prague Microfestival.