after Carolus Linnaeus’ Systema Naturæ (Regnum Animale)
i. Quadrupedia revised into mammalia
lactiferous teats enough to bring us to all fours
simian cousins chatter at my troglodytic moments
as if I’ve fallen from tree-swinging heights
scared beneath darkling shade
of spectral bats
ii. Aves or is it a bird? a kite gyres on thermals unseen –
the loons /the white-bellied drongo
the scarlet-backed flowerpecker parroting my every word
nestling in finery of magpies
egg tooth chipping fault-lines across calcareous shell
between reality & imagination
I slip between
iii. Amphibia into watery depths
the coldness of my blood /my listlessness
I’ll not sweat this nest of vipers
toadying at heels of serpent gods
the slowworm of regret
where even fire salamander flames & is gone
in crocodilian splendour
turning turtle to splash
iv. Pisces among fishes
imbricate scales like red rooves of villas
reflect sunlight & splay across rivers
a quick rise from salmon
piking at sight of European weatherfish
carping or kicking up a ballyhoo with mullet
under these ripples & waves
we’ll flounder at mercy of cutlassfishes
wild gangs of electric knifefishes
(the misclassified sharks & anglerfish that decry
the fence-sitting amphibians)
!it’s all cod!
all nine-spine stickleback
I’ll perch
v. Insecta mosquito on your skin sucking warmth of blood
while scarab beetle rolls dung-like sun
through blue depth of sky
tumbling flower beetles break their necks
to hear quipping of thrips or drum of cicadas
or watch stridulation of crickets
scraping limbs together
I’ll not bore you with termites
or lousy tales of thick-headed flies or scorpions
or lobster-back bends of surprise crabs
until at last
vi. Vermes I worm my way
among shipworms & hagfishes /terrestrial slugs
unclad nudibranchs from netherworld
furious in non-existence
to leech spirit from northern-souled reindeer
Paradoxa from the suspect
the contradictory /the seven-headed hydra
its awful headache inducing sway
I weasel my way among unicorns
the sheep-fruiting vegetable lamb of Tartary
the driftwood-born barnacle geese
the Jenny Haniver-ed dragons
the phoenix ashen which flames like sunset
(having never happened upon a platypus)
to unfairly disbelieve the horological tick of death watch beetle
& end
in ever-decreasing saw-toothed spiral
of antelope horn.