
September 2024

Back to Issue 16

Freak Storm in Mandjoogoordap

By Ellie Cottrell


A storm rolled in the night we

Stayed, rain heavy on the roof – 

I teased you and your furrowed brow

You teased my bold excitement



Crackling like the atmosphere, we

Chanced the outdoor bathtub –

“If lightning hits we’re fucked”


Bubbles, thunder, give me a kiss


We took each other to the

Outhouse, umbrella held aloft

I went first, then you (of course)


Laughing, shush, cover your eyes


When the rain got too much

We locked ourselves away –

“Is this your favourite date?”


Pillows, blankets, cuddle me please



First-light rays on shiny leaves

Storm like a fever dream – 

You’d swear it never happened, 

But for the smell of the earth