Welcome to Issue 5 of StylusLit, where I interview Australian poet, electronic musician and video artist, Ian Gibbins. Read his poem, Vox Pops, LA ’82, for a peek into the early eighties.
Creative non-fiction from Bill Marshall. Short fiction from Eugen M Bacon, Caitlyn Doyle-Markwick, Margaret Karmazin, and Ankur van der Woude.
Poets included are Richard James Allen, Peter Bakowski, Jennifer Compton, William Cotter, Ian Gibbins, Ross Jackson, Jill Jones, Rachael Mead, Philip Neilson, Vanessa Page, Maree Reedman, Ian Reid, Alicia Sometimes, Rodney Williams and Roger Vickery,
Read reviews of Marion May Campbell’s Third Body, Felix Cheong’s B-Sides and Backslides: 1986-2018 and Charlotte Guest’s Soap.
Rosanna Licari