Hello Spring!
And welcome to Issue 14 of StylusLit where we interview Jan Owen and Brett Dionysius who will share their thoughts on writing and their recent work.
We also include poems by Marie-Andrée Auclair, paul Bluestein, Phil Brown, Allan Lake, Andrew Lansdown, Justin Lowe, Vasilka Pateras, Heather Taylor-Johnson, Isi Unikowski, Sean West, Ron Wilkins and Jena Woodhouse.
There’s short fiction from Paul Murgatroyd, Mark O’Flynn, and Debbie Robson.
Finally, read reviews of Peter Bakowski’s Our Ways on Earth, Brett Dionysius’ Critical State, Jane Frank’s Ghosts Struggle to Swim, Pauline Hopkins (Ed.) It’s All Connected: Feminist Fiction and Poetry and Beth Spencer’s The Age of Fibs.
Wishing you well,
Rosanna E. Licari
Filtered by Reviews
Critical State
By Brett Dionysius
Ghosts Struggle to Swim
By Jane Frank
It’s All Connected: Feminist Fiction and Poetry
By Pauline Hopkins (Editor)
Our Ways on Earth
By Peter Bakowski
The Age of Fibs
By Beth Spencer